Mental Health Services for 十大正规网赌软件
The Mental Health Department supports the promotion and access of mental health and wellness across 十大正规网赌软件. The Mental Health Department works to align system-wide practices with evidence-based procedures, 全国性的规定, and culturally-responsive services.
部门联系: Stephanie Edler, MA, LMHC, sledler@mpo1881login.com, 206-252-0819
Mental Health Awareness Month
Did you know May is Mental Health Awareness Month? Each year, millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental health condition. 然而, mental illness affects everyone directly or indirectly through family, 朋友, 或同事. If you are struggling with your mental health, know you are not alone. Here are a few steps to continuing your wellness and where to go for support:
- Focus on your strengths and take steps to improve your wellness (a small walk, 喝水, limit electronics/社会 media)
- Talk about how you are feeling to someone you trust (a family member, 朋友, 神职人员, 外部支持)
- Get additional help if needed: It’s okay to not be okay. If you are needing additional support and ideas for what to do
- Connect with a medical provider
- 伸出手去 2-1-1 to see additional resources (medical, 食物的支持, 金融, 住房, transportation) in King County. Take a look below to support services within King County
- 看一看 HowRightNow for additional tips, resources, and supports
- Practice small moments of mindfulness to calm your body. Learn and practice mindfulness techniques organized by 十大正规网赌软件 alumni Kaia Armas.
Mental Health and Substance Use Support Services
During these uncertain times you might find that you’re in need of support. Below is a list of Community Based Providers and Crisis Support contacts to help support you and your family during this time.
如果你是13岁或以上, you are able to reach out to mental health and health providers and receive confidential services without needing parental/guardian consent.
Please be aware that this is not a comprehensive list of providers in the area. Students and families are not required to obtain services from these organizations.
*If you have private insurance consider contacting your insurance provider for additional resources.
School-Based Health Centers
Students have access to mental health and health services through the school-based health center located at their or a nearby school.
Suicide Prevention Support
Sexual Assault and Abuse Support
Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health, and Substance Use Referrals
Additional Substance Use Resources
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
SAMHSA全国帮助热线 (24小时支持)
1 - 800 - 662 -帮助(4357)
English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or 物质使用 disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, 支持团体, and community-based organizations.
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) 青少年资讯
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) 家长须知